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celestial meditations
Ra Ma Da Sa

Ra - Sun

Ma - Moon

Daa - Earth

Saa - Impersonal Infinity

Saa Say - Totality of Infinity

So - Personal sense of merger and identity

Hung - The infinite, vibrating and real.

This mantra taps into the energies of the sun, moon, earth, and the Infinite to bring deep healing. This mantra stimulates the Kundalini energy for healing and activates the neutral mind.

There is a need for us to come together and be sensitive to each other. When someone is feeling pain, even if it is across the world, we feel that. We are interconnected. When one of us experiences healing that also affects every person and every being on this planet.

We can all tune into that vibration and intention for healing and for collective consciousness for living together rather than feeling the things that separate us.

Experience the depth of healing and connection that can happen as we practice this meditation for peace, for healing and for connection in our world. We can rise above the challenges. We can grow and heal and uplift each other.

This meditation takes you into a place that serves you and brings you that peace and relaxation so that you can bring that to your community, family and home.


(Universal Call)

This mantra is repeated over and over to connect with the essence of the universal mother.

The compassion of the Universe uplifts and expands you. It provides a Divine Shield to accompany you through your trials and tribulations. This meditation does exactly that. If you make it a regular practice, you will become positive, fearless, and happy. Nothing will stop you as you pursue your goals. It will eliminate the feeling of loneliness and separation from your soul.

In this meditation the sound of Maaa calls on compassion and protection. It is the sound that a baby uses to call on the mother. Here, your soul is the child, and the Universe becomes the Mother. If you call, she will come to your aid and comfort.

I am

Throughout life you’ve been through a conditioning process that has created a mind-set overflowing with I am nots. You feel criticized and believe that I am not good. You look in the mirror and compare yourself to a glamorous supermodel and tell yourself, I am not attractive. Your relationship fractures and you think, I am unloved or I am unworthy. These, and many more like them, are repeated throughout your developmental years and into adulthood, and can become your core defining self-concept.

The words I am, which you consistently use to define who you are and what you are capable of, are divine expressions for the highest aspect of yourself.

The mantra “I am” connects the finite and Infinite identities. "I” emphasizes the personal, and the finite sense of self. The "AM" emphasizes the impersonal and transcendent sense of the Self. All real mantras blend this polarity of the Infinite and finite in their internal structure and design. If you only say the first "I AM" the mind will automatically try to answer, "I am what?" This sends the mind on a search through all the categories and roles that hold the finite identities. If you immediately say continue with “I AM” the thought becomes " I AM what I AM"

To be what you are is the essence of truth and will lead you to the nature of reality.

Ang Sang Wahe Guru

The Infinite is with me and vibrates in every cell of my being. This mantra celebrates the realization that there is no piece or part of ourselves, no action and no life that is not already the living vibration of the Infinite.

This mantra is used to bring peace where there is emotional imbalance and to counter the phobias and depression that can happen in times of war. It reminds us of the larger connection with the universe and takes us out of our limited, defensive thinking.

Under attack and in times of pressure, this meditation keeps us together, conscious and ready to act. It brings an inner peace that comes only from the scope of spirit. With this mantra we experience that we are not alone.

Mantra chanting with Ang Sang Wahe Guru celebrates the realization that there is no piece or part of ourselves, no action, and no life that is not already the living vibration of the Infinite. We are one.